After a good friend, Ehren Flynn, called me from his farmers' market asking me for a good recipe he could use with his CSA beets that his wife might actually eat, (love you Jen) I started researching, because I had no ideas for him.
I came across an article that claimed that "beet haters" tend to like raw beets instead of boiled or roasted beets...HUH!!??
Yesterday I got some georgeous golden beets from Fair Foods and I was determined to try a raw beet salad. This recipe is excellent. Even Keith (world renown beet hater) really liked it and said that it did not taste "beety."
So if you are shy with beets, get cozy with this salad and get to know them will like it ;)
Raw Golden Beet Salad
3 Medium to small Golden Beets, peeled and cut into matchsticks
1/2 Large Yellow Onion sliced
1/2 English Cucumber, cut into matchsticks
1.3 cup Chopped Walnuts
2 tbsp Lemon Zest
1/3 cup chopped Fresh Dill
1/3 cup chopped Fresh Parsley 2 tsp Olive Oil
2 tsp Apple Cider Vinegar
1 tsp Whole Grain Mustard
Salt and Pepper
1. Chop beets, cucumber, onion and walnuts, and combine in a large salad bowl. Add the lemon zest, dill and parsley.
2. Whisk together olive oil, cider vinegar, mustard, salt & pepper. Pour dressing over the salad and toss to combine.