Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Grilled Brioche with Mediterranean Layer Spread


My son Joseph works in a fantiastic little restaurant in Dorchester. This weekend the baker was on vacation and Joe got to make all the bread for the weekend. He brought home a beautiful braided brioche to share. 

This is my cute chef who got to bake this weekend

Naturally, we grilled it up with a fancy spread for dinner. The Mediterranean spread is a combination of things easily found in our refrigerator. Simply layer, spread and enjoy. It was delicious. We served it with spicy grilled chicken and grilled summer squash.

Grilled Brioche with Mediterranean Layer Spread


10 slices of brioche bread

1/2 cup pesto (we made homemade pesto with celantro from our garden, but you can use store bought too)

1 cup of hummus

1/2 cup smoky spiced yogurt (season the yogurt with 1/4 tsp smoked paprika, salt & pepper)

1/3 cup muffaletta (you can make a mix of olives, capers and banana peppers)

1/2 tomato diced

Salt & Pepper


1. On a medium plate, layer the pesto first, then hummus. Gently drop tablespoons of the yogurt on the hummus and smooth gently. Spoon the muffaletta over the hummus. Sprinkle diced tomato over the top and season with salt and pepper.

2. Grill the brioche lightly on both sides. Be sure to scoop through each layer when you spread it on the toast. 


There were also beautiful flowers on the table tonight

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